Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/348

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could not refrain fram coming to me. I stated that that had been my own desire, and we were friends immediately: and continued so till he passed to the "better land." This is what some would term sympathy, and others spherical influx. It is what I have denominated the harmony of our sphere. Although almost all persons admit the existence of antipathies and attractions, few seem to have entered on an investigation of their causes.

The Scriptures inform us that the "Lord our God is a sun." At the transfiguration, the "face of the Lord did shine as the sun." From this sun there is a constant emanation of heat and light; and from the sun of the spiritual world, by means of the atmospheres decreasing in activity, and subsiding into a state of rest, all the earths in the universe have been created. "By the Word of the Lord," or the Divine Wisdom, or Emanation from the Sun of Righteousness (or Sphere), were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath (sphere) of His mouth," Thus the world and the universe were not made out of nothing, but by the breath, the operation, the Divine sphere of the Lord Jesus Christ; for "without Him was not any thing made that was made."

When the Lord was upon the earth, it was the Divine influence, or sphere, proceeding from him, by which his miracles were wrought. This sphere raised Lazarus from the tomb; brought sound to the ear of the deaf, and on "the sightless eye-ball poured the day." This sphere extending to the hem of His garment, cured the poor woman of the "issue of blood." This sphere compelled even the winds and the sea to acknowledge His presence by obedience. In short,