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the sphere of the Lord performed the miracles, and to be within that sphere was to be made whole.

Man, in another life, is known amongst the angels, we are told by a pious writer, by his sphere. His sphere is sometimes made manifest by colours, sometimes by odours, and sometimes by sounds. Lastly, we acknowledge this by our allusions to the brightness of the angelic garments, to the odours of sanctity and purity, and to the music of the spheres.

Descending lower in the doctrine of spheres, we are brought to see the reason why odours of certain animals, vegetables, flowers, or even metals, are intolerable to some persons, while they are agreeable to others.

There is a natural sphere proceeding from every person, and each person has a sphere peculiar to himself. By this sphere the dog traces the footsteps of his master, and distinguishes him from all others. Many persons have an antipathy to certain animals, to certain vegetables, to certain metals; and if obliged to remain in their sphere, become insensible, and would perish if the obnoxious sphere were not removed. How much misery, suffering, and even death, is induced by foul odours or spheres, the direful epidemic of cholera fearfully testifies. For where these causes exist in potency, the greatest amount of mortality is the result. The purer the air we breathe, the freer shall we be from disease and suffering.

We will conclude by a reference to the atmosphere of heaven, for angels breathe as well as men. "The atmosphere which is breathed by angels is fraught with that heat, which in its essence is love, and with that light, which in its essence is wisdom. Breathing