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is not there a separate act from thinking. They are distinctly one. Hence the angels of the same society breathe simultaneously, because they think in unison; and no one can live there who does not love, think, and breathe with them. The spiritual life of each, and the ability to will and think, is thus supported by that atmosphere which is produced by the Divine sphere, and the spheres of the angels, particularly of those who are near Him. But as the atmosphere is received into the lungs, the blood is purified and vitalized; and by the blood the whole body, with all its organs, is formed and sustained; how perfectly must this purification and vitalization of the blood of the angels make one with that of their higher life, as the work is effected by this heavenly atmosphere."

December Twenty-fith.


"To the only wise God aur Saviour [Jesus Christ], be glory and majesty, daminion and power, both now and ever. Amen."Jude i. 25.

IN answer to this question, we would reply, If He who created the universe of worlds, who giveth life, perpetual sustenance, and all things useful, to the innumerable population of those worlds; if He whose providence is at once universal and particular, regulating the heavens and the earth in such manner as to order their destinies to eternity; if He is the only proper object of worship, then that object is the Lord Jesus Christ.

If He, who from pure love and mercy, followed man in all his devious wanderings, after he averted himself