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from his Creator; He, who by His own right hand and His holy arm, effected for man redemption and eternal salvation, by undergoing a series of conflicts with man's most direful foes, which baffles human conception, and who by this means spoiled death, and him who had the power of it, and thus laid the foundation for man's restoration to the image and likeness of his Maker, and to eternal felicity; if He who did these things is the proper object of worship, then that object is the Lord Jesus Christ.

If He to whom Moses and all the prophets bare this united testimony, that a King should reign in righteousness; of whose kingdom there should be no end; of whose throne or dominion it was said, "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever;" whose name was to be called "Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father;" who during his sojourn upon earth declared, "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father;" "I and my Father are One;" if He who said of Himself, "Before Abraham was, I AM;" who styles Himself "the Resurrection and the Life;" who declares He has the keys of hell and of death; who calls Himself "the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end;" whose name is King of kings, and Lord of lords, a name which no other being in the universe can fully comprehend; if He to whom such appellations belong, be the proper object of worship, then that object is the Lord Jesus Christ.

If He, on whose name the primitive Christians called; in whose name the apostles and others baptized the nations, and performed the miracles which they wrought in confirmation of their testimony; into