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whose hands they commended their departing spirits, and of whom one of them has expressly said, "This is the true God, and Eternal Life;" in one word, if He to whom the innumerable company of the heavenly host direct their unceasing acts of adoration and praise, as to Him who alone is worthy of them; if He is the proper object of worship, then Jesus Christ, the only Lord God and our Saviour, is that object.

Glory, therefore, be unto him! All might, majesty, and dominion be ascribed unto Him. He alone is over all, God! blessed for evermore! Amen! Amen! Amen!

December Twenty-sixth.


"The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment [stupor] of heart."Deut. xxviii. 28.

KEEPING in mind that this anathema is the result of disobedience to the Divine commandments, and that man, by his evils, brings upon him self these fearful sufferings, let us endeavour to ascertain what kind of person he must be who places himself in this melancholy condition.

We imagine, then, a man whose desire in all things is to aggrandize himself; whose supreme wish is to rule and bring all others under his own subjection; who lays hold of any means, however cruel or iniquitous, to raise himself to supreme authority; who has no other regard for religion, virtue, truth, and holiness, than to render them subservient to his own lust of