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but as they originate in Thy perfect love. Thou only art worthy to be adored; Thou art not only Our Father, but our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. Thou dwetlest in the high and holy place, and yet dost Thou abide in every heart whose affections are consecrated by Thy love; in every understanding whose thoughts are enlightened by Thy truth. We behold Thee in every act of beneficence wrought by Thy creatures, for Thou art in everything that is good, and we behold Thee in every truth drawn and confirmed from Thy Word, for Thou art in everything that is true. Glory be to Thy holy name, O Lord!

Our Father, &c.

Sunday Evening.

O HOLY and merciful Lord, at the close of this Sabbath we desire to approach Thee, and to praise Thy high and holy name for the privileges in which we have participated; and at the same time to implore Thine aid that the influences of Thy good Spirit may permeate our affections and thoughts, and keep us from falling away from Thy truth. We have indeed great need to supplicate Thy constant assistance, seeing how prone we are to forget even the most serious calls to holiness, and, when mingling with the world, how easily are we drawn aside and entangled, so that our best resolutions are forgotten, and the solemn exhortations of Thy servant who ministers to us in spiritual things, pass from our remembrance as a tale that is told; and even those duties in which we appear to have most fervently engaged, still fall short