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of that spirituality which, as Christians, ought at all times to distinguish us. O Lord, we beseech Thee, quicken us by Thy truth—Thy Word is truth. May we be mindful of the instruction we have this day received. May the doctrines which have been preached, the precepts which have been so urgently pressed upon us, the persuasions which have been so affectionately urged by thy servant, lead us to devout obedience to all that thou requirest, so that we may adorn the doctrine of Thee, our God and Saviour, in all things.

Our Father, &c.

Monday Morning.

ALMIGHTY GOD, the Saviour of the universe of worlds, all unworthy as we are to approach Thee, we yet know that Thy love is infinite, and that Thine eyes are never averted from the returning and repentant sinner. We acknowledge our transgressions; and our sins are ever before us: but O Lord most merciful, O God most gracious, pardon the evils we have hitherto committed, and let Thy grace uphold us, and restrain us from the commission of evil for the future.

We are now entering upon the duties of another week, and we pray Thee, O Lord, assist us in the performance of those duties, to the satisfaction of our own consciences, but, more especially, to the glory of Thy holy name, knowing that we can only be perfected through suffering. We ask Thee not to spare our trials, but we pray Thee to uphold us in the hour of trial, that our spiritual adversaries may gain no ad-