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vantage over us; that thereby we may be led nearer and nearer to Thee, and know that every suffering we endure, and in which we overcome, does but take away some part of our sinful desires, to give place to others which are pure and holy. May we feel the full consolation of the apostolic words, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to those that love Him."

Our Father, &c.

Monday Evening.

O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth; Thy glory is above the heavens. We glorify Thee in the work of Thy creative hands, in the visible works of the earth on which we live; we glorify Thee in the wonders of the heavens above; in the starry orbs, and the worlds that revolve about them. But most of all we glorify Thee for the lessons they read unto us, as representative figures which teach us of the heaven within our souls, of the earth of our natural minds, and of the wonder-working power of Thy Divine name, which is ever present with us in our hour of need, and ever repelling the powers of evil which strive to bring us into captivity. Thy Name is indeed excellent in all the earth. Every quality by which Thou art distinguished is perfect: pure goodness, pure truth, pure holiness, pure mercy. O that our earth—our natural minds—were so influenced by Thy goodness, so enlightened by Thy truth, so purified by Thy holiness, so softened