Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/369

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by Thy mercy, that its excellence might be seen and universally acknowledged; and Thee, our heavenly Father, glorified by the virtues which Thy name implies, and which name we pray may be engraven upon our every action in this life. But, while the qualities which Thy name implies, shine resplendently in the life of all who look humbly to Thee for guidance; who do nothing without Thy counsel and instruction, it is the glory from within, the glory which is above the heavens, the glory which dwells in the inmost of the soul, which can alone bring perfect happiness. Reign Thou, O Lord, in the inmost of our souls; there erect Thy throne, and make our hearts the habitation of Thy holiness.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday Morning.

O MERCIFUL FATHER, how great is the consolation of all who are undergoing the process of regeneration: in those words of the royal singer, "He shall give His angels charge over Thee." In these words, how sure is Thy protection made to us! What are guards of honour to earthly princes, compared with those in the midst of which Thy faithful children ever walk? Who need be afraid of the assaults and attacks, even of the direst spiritual enemies, when it is known that chariots of fire, and horses of fire, surround the dwellings of the humble but confiding Christian? Who shall be afraid, when it is known that they who are for us, are more and mightier than they who are against us? What creatures can be