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more glorious, more potent, more magnificent in their appearance, than the angels in heaven? What though we be contemptible in the eyes of the world; what though scorn and contumely follow us in the persons and aspersions of the great and noble of earth—yet with the angels for our attendants, with Thy ministering spirits to guard and protect us, to infuse peace and love into our souls we become kings and priests unto Thee, and can meet scorn with prayer for the conversion of the scorner; and, while we turn our back to the smiter, can offer up Thy own prayer: "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do!"

Lord, we commit our way unto Thee: bring us safely through the trials and difficulties of this day, for Thy name and mercy sake.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday Evening.

O LORD, our heavenly Father, we approach Thy mercy-seat this evening; help us to render our wills submissive and obedient to Thy will. May Thy love occupy the highest place, and all inferior affections be so arranged as mutually to shew forth Thy goodness, each co-operating with the other in humble and cheerful obedience, love, and duty to whatever Thou shalt ordain; and all dwelling together in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in holiness and purity.

Merciful Saviour, we pray not only that Thy love may occupy the highest place in our wills, and so subject all our affections to Thy Divine control, but that