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Thy wisdom may reign supreme in our understandings, and subject all our thoughts to Thy truth. The doctrines of Thy Word are the heavenly sources whence we may be led to the temple of Thy holiness. As the multitudes thronged to hear the gracious words that flowed forth from Thee, so may the multitude of our thoughts be kept in constant waiting for the spiritual instructions Thy Divine discourses contain. When our understandings are in a desert state, pour Thou the streams of Thy truth upon them, until the desert blossom as the rose. Assist us, O merciful Saviour, to elevate Thee to the throne both of our wills and understandings; and help us individually to feel the assurance that Thou, if Thou be lifted up, and our inward souls be elevated to contemplate Thy perfections, Thou wilt draw all unto Thee.

Blessed be Thy name, O Lord, for Thy goodness towards us this day!

Our Father, &c.

Wednesday Morning.

MOST merciful Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, who art the bountiful giver of every good and perfect gift, either in this life or that which is to come; to whose tender mercy and loving-kindness we owe the possession of every blessing we enjoy; permit Thy unworthy creatures, the members of this family, to approach Thee; and enable us, with feelings of gratitude and reverence, to worship and adore Thee who alone art worthy. We are incapable of ourselves of one virtuous thought or of one righteous deed, and