Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/372

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but for Thee we must have perished in great destruction. In the midst of seeming prosperity, when no thought of Thee or of Thy kingdom has entered our understandings—or, if we have thought of Thee, it has been with a complacent idea of our own abilities, and that Thou hast rewarded us in raising us to an enviable position—even in this dangerous state. Thou hast not left us to ourselves, but, by Thy gracious providence, hast continually reminded us that it is of Thy mercy we are not consumed, and that it is better to trust in the Lord than to put any confidence in man. When adversity has come upon us, and we have cried unto Thee in our trouble, Thou hast delivered us out of our distress; when we have seen our friends in the extremity of death, and our hearts have been stricken and humbled before Thee, Thou hast still been near to comfart us, and to pour into our wounded spirits the balm of Thy heavenly consolation. When encompassed by spiritual dangers, and our infernal enemies have attempted to infuse doubt and despondency into our souls, still has Thy power defended us from their dire assaults; and though the magnitude of our danger has appalled us, and made us ready to sink, the Omnipotent arm of Thy love has upheld and sustained us, brought us up out of the pit of desolation into which our enemies had plunged us, and placed our feet upon the rock of Thy truth, and established our goings in the way of Thy holiness. O how great is Thy love towards us! Most humbly but earnestly do we render Thee the warmest aspirations of our hearts for Thy continued protection and salvation.

Our Father, &c.