Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/374

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Thursday Morning.

INFINITE, Omnipotent, and Eternal Lord God our Saviour, to know Thee is life eternal, for Thou art life itself; and to have a knowledge of Thy love, Thy wisdom, and Thy power, and to live as that knowledge counsels, is to be introduced unto Thee, and to unite us with Thee, as Thou also art united with the Father. To effect this union, Lord, we humbly come into Thy presence. Fill our hearts with adoring love and gratitude. Enlighten our understandings with Thy truth and wisdom, and help us so to live that we may be prepared for that fulness of bliss which awaits the regenerate in Thy heavenly kingdom. In the calling of Thy disciple, Peter, may we hear our own call. May the first principles of truth which awaken within us a sense of our sinfulness also desire that our evils may be removed, and look for aid in their removal unto Thee, who alone art the Omnipotent, and without whom we can do nothing. How abundant are the truths contained in Thy Holy Word. It is as a mighty deep, into which, if we launch, we shall inclose in the net of our minds truths of every kind—truths that inform the natural man how to conduct himself in the world, and truths which bring before his spiritual vision the Divine realities of heaven. Blessed Saviour, we entreat Thee to give us just ideas of the value of the gift Thou hast bestowed upon us. May we not only view it as a collection of spiritual precepts, but as embodying all the perfections of Thy Deity—yea, as being the wisdom of Thy own glorified person. This precious Word of Truth de-