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clares that, if we lift Thee up, Thou wilt draw all men unto Thee. Elevate our thoughts, we beseech Thee, by a perception of Thy glorious presence. Help us to keep our minds continually fixed upon Thee. In the morning we would praise Thee, and look up unto Thee for counsel and guidance through the day. Help us to scrutinize everything presented for our acceptance. May Thy Word be unto us a mirror, in which we may see our duty, and to which we may bring every thought, desire, and affection, for trial. May its light help us to discriminate between the really and the apparently good; and may we gather the good into the prepared vessels of our souls, and cast the bad away.

Our Father, &c.

Thursday Evening.

O LORD, our Heavenly Father, we pray Thee, so enable us to prepare our souls, that the miracle of turning water into wine may be spiritually wrought in us. Whether we need water or wine, bread or flesh, there is no Being to whom we can apply with so great an assurance of being supplied as to Thee; for all who humbly ask, receive according to their need. Help us to prepare our understandings as vessels into which pure water may be poured. Let that water be as the stream of truth meandering through the parched places of our understandings; while it removes impurity, may it soften and moisten our barren land, and so prepare our thoughts, that the good seeds deposited in us from Thy Word, may