Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/376

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spring up and becomes plants suited to grow in our spiritual garden, and bring forth fruits to perfection. Lord, we pray Thee, so prepare our minds that our water may be turned into wine. May the natural truths we receive unfold their strengthening properties, and become spiritual and divine. May the table spread in Thy Divine banqueting-house receive us as guests. May the marriage to which we are the invited guests, find us in readiness to Thy call, when the day of its celebration shall arrive. At Thy table may we eat bread till we be full, and drink wine till we be satisfied. May Thy heavenly goodness be our meat. Thy pure and spiritual wisdom be our drink. In Thy presence may we enjoy that fulness of bliss, and taste at Thy right hand, those pleasures reserved for those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Our Father, &c.

Friday Morning.

O LORD, the returning light brings with it new duties; help us, we beseech Thee, faithfully to perform them. May a principle of conscience animate all that we do, and a love of our neighbour stir us up to do good to all, as Thy children. And while the world employs our hands, and while our thoughts are occupied in the best and most efficient means of accomplishing our worldly duties, still may there be an inmost feeling of Thy presence; and still may the knowledge that thou, God, seest us, preserve us in the straight and narrow way, suffering us to diverge neither to the right hand nor to the left, but keeping