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trampled upon, mocked, spit upon, and crucified, by the malice and wickedness of the world. You are about to receive God, in Whose Hands are the life and death of the whole universe.

Then, on the other hand, regard yourself; think how you are nothing, and that by your sins and wickedness you have made yourself lower than the vilest and foulest of the irrational creatures, and that you have rendered yourself worthy to be the sport and mockery of all the devils in hell; how, instead of being grateful for such great and numberless benefits, you have in your capriciousness and wilfulness despised this so Mighty and so Loving a Lord, and trampled under foot His Precious Blood.

Yet, notwithstanding all this, His Love abides, His Goodness is unchanged, He still invites you. to His Divine Banquet; nay, He even constrains you to come to it, threatening you with death if you refuse His invitation. He shuts not the door of His Mercy, nor turns His back upon you, though by nature you have become leprous, lame, dropsical, blind, possessed by devils, and have 'gone after many lovers.'

He asks this of you and no more:

First, to mourn for your offences against Him.

Second, to hate above all things sin, both great and small.

Thirdly, to offer and give yourself wholly to