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do His Will and Bidding, ever with affection, and with action, when opportunity presents.

Fourthly, to have faith and firm hope that He will forgive you, and cleanse you from your sins, and defend you from all your enemies.

Fortified by this unspeakable Love of the Lord, you will draw near to communicate, with a holy and loving fear, saying: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive Thee, because I have so many, many times grievously offended Thee, nor have I yet mourned as much as I should, over the offences which I have committed against Thee."

"Lord, I am not worthy to receive Thee, because I am not yet entirely free from affection to venial sins."

"Lord, I am not worthy to receive Thee, for I have not yet wholly yielded myself up to Thy Love, Thy Will, and Thy Bidding."

"O my Almighty Lord, infinitely Good, for the sake of Thy Goodness and Thy Word, make me worthy, O my Love, with this faith to receive Thee."

When you have communicated, shut yourself up immediately in the secret recess of your heart, and setting aside all created things, hold converse with your Lord in some such form as the following:—"O Most High King of Heaven, what has brought Thee to me, who am miserable,