Page:St. Nicholas - Volume 41, Part 1.djvu/487

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(The door opens, and Dock, Dodder, and
Squill enter solemnly. They are dignified
gentlemen who strangely resemble frogs in
appearance, each, in fact, being dressed in
a frog-skin from top to toe.)

Meliotte (amazed). Your names pray tell us, if you will.

Dock (gruffly). I’m Dock!

Dodder (in a similar voice). I’m Dodder!

Squill (also gruffly). I am Squill!

Dock, Dodder, and Squill. Ger-ump! Regarding our careers,
We beg to state we 're financiers.


Meliotte. Your manners rather make one jump,
They ’re so abrupt, you know—

Dock, Dodder, and Squill. Ger-ump!


Dock, Dodder, and Squill.
refrain As you can see we number three.
Dock. Ger-ump!
Dodder. Ger-ump!
Squill. Ger-ump!

(Trio) (Dock)

As you can see, we num - ber three; Ger -

To say we're crust - y is ab - surd; Ger -

ump! ger-ump! ger-ump! All

ump! ger-ump! ger-ump! We

fi - nan-ciers of high de-gree; Ger - ump!

al - ways have a pleas-ant word; Ger - ump!

When peo - ple owe and can - not pay, And

To bank your gold with us is bliss, And

ask us for a de - lay, We al-ways shake our

to withdraw it is re-miss; But, if you do, we

heads and say: Ger-ump! ger-ump! ger-ump!

smile like this: Ger-ump! ger-ump! ger-ump!