Page:St. Nicholas - Volume 41, Part 1.djvu/488

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(This is followed by a Frog-Financier dance, at the conclusion of which they address Melilotte.)

Dock. What can we do— Dobper. For you to-day? SquiLL. Provided we— Dock, Donper, and SquiLL (very hoarsely). make it pay! MeLcorte. Oh, thank you very much indeed; I 've all the money that I need.


(As she speaks, the door opens, and Silver Dime enters. He is very small, and car- ries a large bundle marked *'Linsey-W ool- sey.”)

Why, bless my stars! and who 1s this? Siver DiMme. I 'm all that ’s left, respected miss. But here ’s your gown—a lovely blue, And I, they say, belong to you. MELiLoTTE (sadly). Of fortune I 'm almost bereft If you are all that I have left. ILVER DIME (stoutly). I am not what you ’d call a man, But always do the best I can. TurTLE WoMAN. (To Melilotte and Silver Dime.) Don’t let it worry you, my dears; This case i1s one for financiers. Dock. As senior member of this co., [ beg to add: exactly so! Leave money matters to the skill

Of Dock— Dobper. And Dodder— SouiLL. Likewise Squill!



WoMAN. Then this is what we ’ll have to do: Intrust our Silver Dime to you. He seems a willing little boy, And ought to thrive in your employ. Dock. The plan that you propose is best. If he will take an interest In our affairs; no doubt he will With Dock— Dobper. And Dodder— SguiLL. Likewise Squill! SiLver DiME. That I am very small, I know, But in your care I 'm sure to grow. Dock. Well, then, our business is complete ; We ’ll forward you our firm’s receipt. We hope to see you soon again, Our office stands in Frogbit Lane Right opposite the Village Pump; Good-day! ger-ump! DoDDER. Ger-ump! SquiLL. GER-UMP!

(They go out, leading Silver Dime.)

MEeLiLorTE. The pangs of hunger now I feel; Suppose we have our evening meal.


TurtLE WoMmaN., Well said, my little Meclilotte ; I wonder if the tea is hot.

(They sit at the table and procecd ccith the business of eating. Ajfter a moment, Melilotte springs suddenly to her fect.)

MeLLorte. But, Turtle Woman, I declare! You have n’t had an equal share. My money ’s gone—what shall I do To get a stylish gown for you? TurtLE WoMmAN, Alas! the gown for which I sigh Is one that money cannot buy. The fabric, light as elfin thought.

By fairy spinners must be wrought,