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for the love with which thou didst make thy painful journey to Calvary, marking every step of the way with thy precious blood. I offer to the eternal Father the love and sufferings of thy holy Humanity, in expiation of my crimes, which I detest with sincere and bitter contrition.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

O holy Mother! impress deeply on my heart the Wounds of my crucified Jesus.


O MY divine Saviour! I adore the sacred Wound of thy right foot, and I feelingly compassionate the intense pain, it caused thee. I thank thee for 'the love with which thou didst suffer thy sacred feet to be pierced, and, with barbarous cruelty, nailed to the cross, to atone for my wanderings, and for the guilty indulgence of my disorderly passions. I offer to the eternal Father, the love and sufferings of thy holy Humanity; and I beseech him to grant me the grace to weep bitterly for my sins, and to persevere in virtue to the end of my life, without ever straying from the obedience due to thy holy commandments.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

O holy Mother! impress deeply on my heart the Wounds of my crucified Jesus.


O MY divine Saviour! I humbly adore the sacred Wound of thy left hand, and I feelingly compassionate the intense pain it caused thee. I thank thee for having thereby, with so much love, delivered me from the eternal punishment which my sins deserve. I offer to the eternal Father, the love and sufferings of thy holy Humanity; and I beseech him to