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grant me the grace to profit by the remainder of my life, that I may bring forth fruits worthy of penance, and thus disarm the divine justice, provoked by my repeated sins.

Our Father &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

O holy Mother! impress deeply on my heart the Wounds of my crucified Jesus.


O MY divine Saviour! I adore the sacred Wound of thy right hand, and I feelingly compassionate the intense pain it caused thee. I thank thee for all the blessings which this bountiful hand has so abundantly bestowed on me, notwithstanding my ingratitude in refusing to correspond with thy gracious designs. I offer to the eternal Father, the love and sufferings of thy holy Humanity; and I beseech him to change my heart and affections, and to render all my actions conformable to his holy will.

Our Father, Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

O holy Mother! impress deeply on my heart the Wounds of my crucified Jesus.


O MY divine Saviour! I humbly adore the sacred Wound of thy opened side. I am exceedingly moved at this cruel outrage. I thank thee for the love with which thou didst suffer thy side to be pierced, and thy heart opened, to give us even the last drop of thy precious blood, that our redemption might be most abundant. I offer to the eternal Father, both this outrage offered to thy holy Humanity, and the love with which thou art always ready to receive the greatest sinners, that my soul may be received into this most loving Heart, and may abide therein for ever. Amen.