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stable of Bethlehem be present to thy recollection. When thou seest saws, hammers, planes, or axes, remember how Jesus worked, like a mere lad, in the shop at Nazareth. Then, if thou seest ropes, thorns, nails, or pieces of wood, reflect on the Passion and Death of our Redeemer. St. Francis of Assisi, on seeing a lamb, would begin to weep, saying: ' My Lord like a lamb was led to death for me.' Again: when thou seest altars, chalices, or patens, recall to mind the greatness of the love which Jesus Christ has borne us. in giving us the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Frequently during the day make an offering of thyself to God, as St. Teresa used to do, saying: "Lord, here am I: do with me that which pleaseth Thee: declare to me Thy will, that I may do it for Thee: I wish to do it thoroughly." Then repeat, as often as you can, acts of love towards God. St. Teresa used also to say, that acts of love are the fuel by which holy love is to be kept on fire within the heart. When the Venerable Sister Seraphine of Carpi was one day considering that the mule belonging to the convent had not the power of loving God, she expressed her compassion for it thus: " Poor brute; thou neither knowest nor canst love thy God;" and the mule set her weeping so that the tears fell in streams from her eyes: — so likewise do thou, when beholding any animal which has not the capacity for knowing or loving God, animate thyself, who canst love Him, to make the more abundant acts of love. Whenever thou fallest into any fault, humble thyself for it immediately; and, with an act of more fervent love, endeavor to rise again. When anything adverse happens, immediately make an offering to God of what thou hast to sutler, bringing thy will into uniformity with His own; and ever accustom thyself under all adverse circumstances to repeat these words: " Thus God wills; thus I will too." Acts of