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resignation are the acts of love which are most precious and acceptable to the Heart of God.

When thou hast to decide upon anything, or to give any counsel of importance, first, commend thyself to God, and then set about thy undertaking, or give thy opinion. As often as thou canst during the day, after the example of St. Rose of Lima, repeat the prayer: Deus in adjutorium meum intende: " Lord, come to my assistance; do not leave me in my own hands." And for this end frequently turn to the image of the Crucified, or to that, of the most holy Mary, which is in thy room; and do not omit to make frequent invocations of the names of Jesus and of Mary, especially in time of temptation. Since God is infinite goodness, His desire of communicating His graces to us is perfect. The Venerable Father Alvarez one day saw Our Saviour with His hands full of graces, and going about in search of those to whom He might dispense them. But it is His will that we should ask them of Him: " Ask, and ye shall receive," otherwise He will draw back His hand; whereas, on the contrary, He will willingly open it to those who call upon Him. And who is there, says the Preacher, that hath called upon Him, and God despised him by not granting his prayer? " Who hath called upon Him, and He hath despised Him?" (Ecclus. ii. 12.) And David tells us, that the Lord shows not merely mercy, but great mercy to those who call upon Him: " For thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild, and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon Thee" (Ps. lxxxv. 5).

Oh, how good and bountiful is the Lord to him who seeks Him lovingly: " The Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him" (Lam. iii. 25). If he lets Himself be found even by him who seeks Him not: " I was found by them that did not seek me" (Rom. x. 20), how much more willingly will He let Himself be found by one who seeks Him, and seeks