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divine Body and precious Blood, in favor of the souls in purgatory: they are wailing in the flames, and are sighing for the happiness of seeing Thee and possessing Thee eternally in heaven, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Requiem aeternam dona eis. Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis. Eternal rest give unto them. O Lord, and may perpetual light shine up on them.

From the Epistle to the Offertory.

Father of mercies, receive to-day. in favor of the souls in purgatory, the sacrifice of the true Body and Blood of Thy divine Son, in union with all the pains and sufferings which He endured for our salvation during His Passion. He appears before Thee as a king of sorrows, and offers Thee the anguish caused to His heart by Judas's betrayal of Him, and that inexpressible confusion which He experienced on seeing Himself bound by cords and chains, dragged first before one tribunal, then before another, where He received cruel blows and was spat upon, where He was struck, scorned, trodden under foot like a worm of the earth, and judged worthy of death like a heathen and a blasphemer. He offereth Thee all these sufferings as our Mediator; and I, miserable sinner as I am, I unite myself to Him and ask of Thee rest and peace for the souls in purgatory.

Requiem, etc.

From the Offertory to the Sanctus.

Almighty Father, Who doth ardently desire the salvation of men, and Who wouldst have all men saved and none perish, we pray Thee to behold Thy Son on this altar where, true victim of charity, He reneweth the sacrifice of the cross, by