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offering Himself for the living and the dead, so that all may share in Thy mercy. Heavenly Father, do Thou this day receive the sacrifice of His Body and His Blood for the souls in purgatory, and, by the merits of His Passion, deliver them from their state of suffering. He who is Thine eternal force and wisdom hath not refused, in order to expiate our follies, for such are our sins, to be treated as a madman before Herod's court, and, as such, to be clothed with a white robe, buffeted, scoffed at, and scorned by that impious king and his bands. In union with this present sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Thy Son, in Whom are contained all the treasures of the Divinity, I offer Thee His profound humility in favor of the souls in purgatory, and I ask Thee to grant them repose and peace.

Requiem, etc.

From the Sanctus to the Elevation.

ALMIGHTY God, Father of mercy, and source of all consolation, do Thou this day console the souls in purgatory by the merits of the sacrifice of the true Body and Blood of Thy Son, which I offer Thee in union with the Church triumphant and the Church militant, and do Thou deliver them from the pains, they are enduring in their prison. Jesus, Thy Son, offers Thee His Body and Blood for their ransom. He offereth that same Body which, through excess of love, He allowed to be fastened to a column, where it received not merely hundreds, but thousands of stripes, in order to satisfy Thy justice for our sins committed in the flesh; He offereth that same Blood, which, shed in torrents during that terrible flagellation, cleansed the Church, His Spouse, from all the defilements it had received from the demon. I pray Thee behold this innocent Body and this divine Blood, and break asunder the chains