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which hold the souls of thy children captive in purgatory. Merciful Father, by the merit of this great sacrifice and of all the wounds received by Thine only Son during His cruel scourging, grant Thy grace to me, a miserable sinner, and grant repose and peace to the souls in purgatory.

Requiem, etc.

From the Elevation to the Pater Noster.

O God, Who art our heavenly Father, and the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, humbly prostrate before the throne of Thine infinite majesty. I offer Thee this day the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Thy Son for the ransom of the souls in purgatory; and with this sacrifice, I offer to Thee the sufferings, derision, insult, and bad treatment which Jesus vouchsafed to suffer for the salvation of all men when, after His flagellation, He was crowned with thorns. Wishing to satisfy Thy justice for all our sins of thought, He did not refuse being crowned with thorns, blindfolded, clothed in a tattered purple robe, and treated like a mock-king with a reed for a sceptre: neither did He turn away His face from being struck and spat upon. By these sufferings He has superabundantly paid our debts and obtained our pardon. Look upon Thy Son thus humiliated, O Father of mercies, and deliver from their purgatorial prison those souls who are Thy cherished spouses, and do Thou grant them repose and peace.

Requiem, etc.

From the Pater Noster to the Communion.

Father Almighty, eternal, unchanging, invisible, and infinite in all Thy perfections, all the choirs of angels are incessantly singing before Thee, "Holy, holy, holy," and we on the earth, by Jesus Christ, with Jesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ, by