Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1522

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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1899


Hungary, government, local, 388 provincial, 388

— imports, 399

— instruction, 392, 393

— justice and crime, 394

— manufactures, 398

— mining and minerals, 398

— ministry (Austria-Hungary), 359 ;

(Hungary), 388

— money, weights, and measures,

367, 368

— occupations of the people, 390

— parliament, 387

— pauperism, 394

— population, 389

— post and telegraphs, 401

— railways, 401

— reigning sovereign, 356

— religion, 391, 392

— revenue and expenditure (Austro-

Hungarian), 360 ; (Hungarian), 395

— rivers and canals, 400

— royal familj^, 356

— schools, &c., 392, 393

— shipping and navigation, 399, 400

— towns, 391

— universities, 393 Huon Islands, 570 Hupeh, 458

TBAGUE, 472 ± Ibi, 211

Ibo, 892

Ibrahim, Sultan of Jahore, 178

Iceland, 498

Ichang, 465

Idah, 211

Ifni, 1023

Illorin, 210

Imbambura (Ecuador), 500

Inch'yen (Chemulpo), 779

India (British), agriculture, 140

— area, 129 ct seq.

— army expenditure, 142

European, 57, 104, 144

native, 144

of feudatory states, 146

— l)anks, railway, forest officers,

post-office, and militaiy, 163

— birtlis, 134

-- books of reference, 164

— canals, 156


India, capital of joint-stock com- panies, 151

— central, 136

— collieries, 151

— commerce, 151

— constitution, 125

— cotton mills, 150

— council, 126

— council of Governor-General 127

— crime, 138

— currency and credit, 162

— customs valuation, 152

— deaths, 134

— debt, 142

— defence, 143-146

— dependent states, 166 ct scq.

— emigration, 134

— executive authority, 126

— expenditure, 104, 139, 140, 143

— exports, bullion and specie, 153

merchandise, 151-157

treasure, 152

— finance, 139

— forest ground, 148, 150 revenue, 140

— government, 125 local, 128

— governor-general, 126

— governors-general, list of, 127

— Imperial service troops, 146

— imports, bullion and specie, 153 merchandise, 152-157

— instruction, 137

medical colleges, 137

normal schools, 137

technical schools, 137

universities, 137

— internal communications, 156

— justice and crime, 138

— land, cultivated and uncultivated,

148 irrigated, 149-150

— land revenue, 140, 141

— tenure, 147

— languages, 133

— money, weights, measures, 1 63, 164

— municipal government, 128

— native states, 131

— occupations of the peo])Ie, 134

— opium revenue, 140, 142

— police, 139

— ])opulation, 128 ct scq.

British tenitory, 129

civil condition, 182