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The following are some of the details of the budget for 1920-21 in millions of kronen : —


Millions of kronen


Millions of kronen

Various revenues Railways . Monopolies

i',914 6,5:21 5,490

Interest on debt , . !»,0o7

Interior . . . . 1,138

Army 2,077

Railways ... , I 11, COS

Subventions for food . 21,260

Bonuses to Civil servants , 5,388

For unemployment grants I 125

Military pensions . . 2GC

The share of the Republic of the old debt of Austria-Hungary is not yet definitely fixed. On September 30, 1920, it was estimated at 44,958 million kronen, with an annual interest of 1,554 million kronen. The debt of the new Republic on that date amounted to 14,904 million kronen, with an annual charge of 731 million kronen. Foreign credits for food, &c, are not included in the last figure. They have been estimated at 17,500 million kronen, with an annual charge of 886 million kronen.


1. Army.

The break-up of the Austro- Hungarian Empire at the end of the war brought with it the collapse of the military system of that country. At the end of 1918 all was in confusion, but towards the end of January, 1919, the Austrian Government created a Defence Force (Volkswehr). By August, 1920, the approximate strength of the Volkswehr was 34,000 men.

By the terms of the Treaty of St. Germain, universal compulsory military service is abolished in Austria, and the total number of military forces in the Austrian Army is limited to 30,000 men, including officers and depot troops.

Austria is permitted at her own discretion to organise this number of troops either in divisions or in mixed brigades. If the divisional organisation is chosen, the maximum strength of an infantry division is to be 414 officers and 10,780 men, the minimum strength 300 officers and 8,000 men. The maximum strength ot a cavalry division is to be 259 officers and 5,380 men and the minimum 180 officers and 3, 650 men.

If the mixed brigade organisation is chosen, the maximum strength of a brigade is to be 198 officers aud 5,350 men, and the minimum 140 officers and 4,250 men. The future Austrian Army may therefore be organised into two infantry divisions and one cavnlry division at the higher establishment or three infantry divisions and one cavalry at the lower establishment, or into six mixed brigades. The latter organisation has been chosen. The maximum authorised armaments and stocks of munitions are per 1,000 men : —

500 rounds of ammunition per arm. 10,000 / 1,000 \ 500


Rifles or carbines . 1,150 Machine guns . . 15

Trench mortars, light "1 „

,, ,, medium )

Guns . \ field or ) ,, Howitzers /mountain /

All officers must be regulars. Officers now serving retained in the army must serve to the age of 40. Officers newly appointed must serve on the active list for 20 consecutive years.

The period of enlistment for non-commissioned officers and privates must