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Her Prophecy againſt Cardiral Woolſey.

BY theſe and ſeveral fuch like exploits, Mother Shipton had got a name, far and near, of a cunning woman, or woman of foreſight, that her words were counted oracles; nor did ſhe meddle only with private perfons, but was adviſed by with people of the greateſt quality; among which number at that time was Cardinal Woolſey. Whom it was reported, that he intended to live at York, ſhe publicly ſaid he ſhould never come there; which coming to his ear, and being offended he cauſed three lords to go to her, who came diſguiſed to Ring-houſes, near York, where leaving their men, they took a guide and come to Mother Shipton's, and knocking at her door, ſhe cried out, Come in Mr Beaſley, (their guide) and theſe noble lords with you; which much ſurpriſed them that ſhe thould know them for when they came in ſhe called cach of them by their names, and treated then with ale and cakes: whereupon ſaid one of the lords, it ye knew our errand, you would not make ſo much of us. You ſaid the