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Cardinal ſhould never fee York, No, ſaid ſhe, I ſaid that he might fee York; but never come at it. Well, ſaid the lord, when he does come, thou ſhalt be burnt. Then taking her linen handkerchief off her head, ſays ſhe, if this burn, then I may burn; and immediately flung into the fire before them, but it would not burn: ſo that after it had lain in the flames a quarter of an hour ſhe took it out again, and it was not ſo much as ſinged. Hereupon one of the lords aſked her what ſhe thought of him. My lord, ſaid ſhe, the time will come when you'll be as low as I, and that is low indeed! which proved true, for ſhortly after he was beheaded.

Nor was this ſpeech concerning the Cardinal leſs verified: for he coming from Carwood, went to the top of the tower, and aſked where York was? which being ſhewn him, enquired how far it was there; for quotahe, there was a witch ſaid I ſhould never ſee York. Nay, ſays one preſent, your eminence is miſinformed, ſhe ſaid you ſhould ſee it, but not come at it. Then he vowed to burn her when he came there, which was but eight miles diſtant; but immediately he was ſent for