Page:Strange and wonderful history and prophecies of Mother Shipton.pdf/23

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Unhappy's he who lives to ſee thoſe
But happy are the dead, Shipton,s wife
Let this ſuffice, the night draws on,
You muſt depart, and I begone;
Appollo does forbid my chimes,
For to unveil ſucceeding times.

Having ſaid this, Mother Shipton aroſe, and the admiring Abbot, who, you muſt ſuppoſe, took all theſe propheſies in writing, gave her many thanks, and returned home.


Mother Shipton's Life, and Death.

THIS famous propheteſs continued eſteemed as the Sybil or oracle of theſe times; At laſt, being threeſcore and thirteen years of age, ſhe found the time in the black book of deſtiny approaching, wherein ſhe muſt give a final adieu to the world, which ſhe foretold to a day, to divers people; and at the hour predicted, having taken leave of all her friends, laid herſelf down on ber bed and died.