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common ſtory, which therefore, I ſhall follow, yet without forcing the reader to believe whether he will or no, is, that ſhe never had any father of human race, or mortal weight, but was begot as the great Welch prophet Motlia was of old, by the phantaſm of Apollo, or ſome wanton ærial Dæmon, in manner following: Her mother, whom ſome records call Agatha, and others Emmathe, being left an orphan about the age of ſixteen, very poor, and much troubled with that grievous, but common diſeaſe, called by some idleneſs, and others ſloth: As ſhe was once upon a time ſitting bemoaning herſelf on a ſhady bank by the highway ſide, a ſpirit appeared to her in the ſhape of a handſome young man; and ſmiling on her, "pretty maid" quoth he, "why doſt thou ſit ſo ſad; thou art not old enough to have thy head peſtered with the cares of the world: Prithee tell me thy buſineſs and doubt not but I will help thee out of thy troubles," The maid caſting up her eyes, and not ſuſpecting a devil hid in ſo comely a countenance, related to him her wants, and that ſhe knew not how to live: