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"Piſh," ſaid he, "that's nothing be ruled by me, thou ſhalt never lack" She hearing him promiſe ſo fairly; told him ſhe would; and there upon to draw her by degrees to deſtruction, he first tempted her to fornication, and prevailed ſo far as to gain her; but his touches, as ſhe afterwards confeſſed to the midwife, were as cold as ice or ſnow—From this time forward, ſhe was commonly viſited once a day by her helliſh gallant, and never wanted money; for ſtill as ſhe ſwept the houſe, ſhe would find ſome odd nine pences, quarters of thirteen-pence half-pences, and the like, ſufficient to ſupply her occaſions.


How Mother Shipton's Mother proved with Child: How she ſitted the ſevere Juſtice, and what happened at her Delivery.

THE neighbours obſerving that Agatha, without any employ, lived ſo handſomely, wondered exceedingly how ge came by the money to ſupport her in that way; but were moſt ſurprized when they ſoon after found her