Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/211

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Cecum, 145

Celiac axis, 109, 150, 153

Cells, 12, 13

Central canal of cord, 81

Cephalocele, 53

Cerebellum, 51, 78

Cerebral arteries, 77

 veins, 78

Cerebro-spinal fluid, 34, 76, 79

 meningitis, 79
 nervous system, 75, et seq.

Cerebrum or brain proper, 51, 75

Cervical nerves, 84

 plexus, 84
 vertebræ, 90, 91

Cervix of uterus, 168

Chemical composition of the body, 11

 of bone, 18

Chest or thorax, 96

 arteries, 99
 bones, 97, 98
 muscles, 98, 99
 nerves, 99

Cholesterin, 143

Chordæ tendineæ, 104

Choroid, 68

Chromatic aberration, 73

Chyle, 32, 33, 144

Chyme, 139, 140

Cilia, 15, 27

Ciliary muscles, 69, 72

 processes, 69, 72

Circle of Willis, 78, 108

Circulation of the blood, fetal, 106, 107

 portal, 109, 110
 pulmonary, 110
 systemic, 105, 106, 107, et seq., 112, 113

Circumflex artery, 186

Circumflex nerve, 85, 186

Circumvallate papillæ, 61

Cirrhosis of liver, 152

Clavicle, 171

Cleft palate, 55

Clitoris, 170

Clotting of blood, 23, 117, 118

 of lymph, 33
 of muscle, 23

Club-foot, 195

Coccygeal nerve, 84

 vertebræ, 90

Coccyx, 90, 161

Cochlea, 64, 65

Colles' fracture, 171, 180

Color blindness, 73

 perception, 73

Coloring matters, 12

 of bile, 143, 151
 of blood, 119

Colon, ascending, 145

 descending, 145
 transverse, 145

Columnæ carneæ, 104

Commissures of cord, 80

Common bile duct, 150

Communicating arteries, 78

Compact tissue of bone, 17, 18

Condyles, humerus, 175

 femur, 189

Conjunctiva, 67

Conjugate focus, 71

Convolutions of brain, 76

Connective tissue, 15, et seq.

 areolar, 15
 bony, 17
 cartilaginous, 16
 elastic, 15
 fatty or adipose, 16
 fibrous, 15

Coraco-brachialis, 177

Coracoid process of scapula, 173