Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/212

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Cordiform tendon, 98

Cornea, 27, 68, 70

Cornicula laryngis, 122

Coronary artery, 107

 sinus, 105
 valve, 105

Coronal suture, 48

Coronoid fossa, 175

 process, 178

Corpus luteum, 166

Corpuscles of blood, 116, 118, et seq. tactile, 37, 39, 46 Corti, organ of, 65 Costal cartilages, 98 Coughing, 131 "Coxa vera," 189 Cranial nerves, 77, 78, 83, 84 Craniotabes, 53 Cranium, bones of, 48, et seq.

Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone, 53

Cricoid cartilage, 121

Crista galli, 53

Cross eye, 72

Crossed pyramidal tract, 82

Crucial ligaments, 193

Crural nerves, 85, 199

Crureus, 190

Crying, 131

Crypts of Lieberkühn, 143, 144, 145

Crystalline lens, 69, 70

Cuboid bone, 195

Cuneiform bones, ankle, 195

   wrist, 181
 cartilages, 122

Cutaneous nerves, 46, 85

Cystic duct, 143, 152

Deltoid, 174

Dendrites, 36

Derma, 39

Descending aorta, 107

 colon, 145

Diabetes mellitus, 151, 196

Diaphragm, 98, 99, 128

Diaphysis, 18

Diastole, 104, 106

Differentiation of tissues, 13

Digestion, in mouth, 136

 in small intestine, 143, 144
 in stomach, 139, 140
 of fats, 144
 of proteids, 140, 144
 of starch, 136, 144

Digital arteries, 186

Diphtheria, 35

Diploë, 20, 48

Direct cerebellar tract, 82

 pyramidal tract, 80, 82

Dislocation, 180, 193, 194

Diuretics, 158

Dorsal or thoracic nerves, 84, 85

 vertebræ, 90, 91

Dorsalis pedis artery, 199

Duct, common bile, 150

 cystic, 143, 152
 ejaculatory, 165
 hepatic, 143, 150
 lachrymal, 68
 of Rivinus, 62
 pancreatic, 153
 right lymphatic, 31, 32
 Stensen's, 62
 Wharton's, 62

Ductless glands, 36

Ductus arteriosus, 106, 107

 communis choledochus or common bile duct, 150

Duodenum, 142

Dupuytren's contraction, 184

Dura mater, 15, 76, 79