Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/216

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Idiocy, 53

Ileo-cecal valve, 142, 145

Ileo-pectineal line, 163

Ileum, 142

Iliac artery, common, 107, 109

 deep circumflex, 198
 external and internal, 95, 109, 198
 fosssæ, 163

Ilio-hypogastric nerve, 85

Ilio-inguinal nerve, 85

Ilium, 161, 162

Impacted hip, 193

Incisor teeth, 60

Incus, 63

Infundibula of lung, 125, 127

Inguinal regions, 135

Innominate artery, 107

 bone, 161, 162
 veins, 109

Inorganic compounds in body, 12

Intercostal arteries, 95, 97, 100, 108

 muscles, 98, 128
 nerves, 85, 97, 99, 134

Intercellular substance, 14, 17

Interossei muscles, 184

Interosseous nerves, 85, 186

Internal secretion, 36

Intervertebral foramen, 90

Intestines, 141, et seq.

 large, 141, 145
   function, 146
   glands, 145
   nerves, 145
   structure, 145, 146
 small, 141, 142, et seq.
   blood-vessels, 143
   function, 143, 144
   glands, 142, 143
   nerves, 143

structure, 142

Intima, 27

Intralobular vein, 150

Intussusception, 146

Involuntary muscle, 21

Iris, 68, 69, 72

Ischium, 161, 163

Island of Reil, 75

Jaundice, 35, 152, 153, 158

Jejunum, 142

Joints, 15, 20

 classes of, 20, 21
 ankle, 195
 elbow, 21, 185,
 hip, 21, 192
 knee, 193
 motion of, 20, 21
 shoulder, 21, 185
 wrist, 185

Jugular veins, 109

Juice, gastric, 139

 pancreatic, 143, 144, 153

Katabolism, 147

Kidneys, 155, et seq.

 floating, 159
 function, 156, et seq.
 position, 155
 structure, 155, 156,

Knee-jerk, 83

Knee joint, 193

Labia majora, 169

 minora or nymphæ, 170

Labyrinth, membranous, 64, 65

 osseous, 64

Lachrymal bones, 48, 54

 canal, 54, 57
 duct, 68
 gland, 68
 sac, 54, 68