Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/217

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Lacteals, 32, 144

Lacunæ of bone, 17

Lambdoidal suture, 48

Lamellæ of bone, 17

Laminæ of vertebræ, 89

Large intestine, 141, 145

Laryngitis, 122

Laryngotomy, 122

Larynx, 121

Latissimus dorsi, 93

Laughing, 131

Lens, crystalline, 69, 70

Leucocytes, 33, 34, 119, 120

Levator scapulæ, 93

Levatores of ribs, 129

Lieberkühn, glands of, 143, 144, 145

Ligaments, 15, 20, 21

 annular, 184, 198
 broad, of uterus, 165, 166, 168
 capsular, of hip, 21, 193
 crucial, of knee, 193
 orbicular, 178
 Poupart's, 132
 round, of uterus, 168
 suspensory, of liver, 149
 thyro-arytenoid, 122

Ligamentum nuchæ, 50, 91, 93

 patellæ, 190, 192, 193, 194
 teres, 187

Line, Nelaton's, 189

Linea alba, 132

 aspera, 187

Liver, 36, 149, et seq.

 blood-supply, 150
 diseases of, 152
 function, 150, et seq.
 position, 149
 structure, 149, 150

Loops of Henle, 156

Lower extremities, 187, et seq.

Lumbar artery, 95, 109

 fascia, 133
 nerves, 84, 85
 plexus, 84
 regions, 135
 vertebræ, 90

Lumbricales, 184

Lungs, 125, et seq.

 function, 127, et seq.
 nerves, 127
 position, 126
 structure, 126, 127

Lupus, 58

Lymph, 30, 32

 capillaries, 30
 character, 32, 33
 flow of, 33
 function, 34
 spaces, 30
 transudation of, 33

Lymphatic glands, 32, 34, 35

 system, 27, 29, et seq.
 vessels, 30, 31
   valves of, 31, 32, 33

Macula lutea, 70

Malar or cheek bone, 48, 54

Malaria, 154

Male organs of generation, 163, 164, 165

Malleolus of fibula, 194, 195

 of tibia, 194

Malleus, 63

Malpighian bodies, 156

 pyramids, 156

Mammary artery, internal, 99, 100, 108

 glands, 99, 100

Manubrium, 97

Marrow of bone, 18

Masseter, 51, 54