Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/220

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Neurilemma, 37

Ninth nerve, 84

Nipple, 100

Nose, 57, 58

 bleed, 59

Nucleolus, 12

Nucleus, 12

Nutrient foramen, 19

Nymphæ, 170

Oblique muscles of abdomen, 132

 of eye, 68

Obturator foramen, 163

 nerve, 85

Occipital bone, 48, 50

Occipito-frontalis muscle, 51

Odontoid process of axis, 91

Olecranon fossa, 175

 process, 178

Olfactory bulbs, 53, 58, 76

 cells, 58
 grooves, 53
 nerves, 53, 58, 83
 tract, 58, 76

Omenta, 134, 146

Ophthalmic artery, 70

Optic axis, 70

 commissure, 76
 foramen, 66, 70
 nerve, 70, 71, 76, 83
 tract, 76

Orbicular ligament, 178

Orbicularis palpebrarum, 67

Orbit of eye, 54, 66

Organ of Corti, 65

Organic compounds in body, 11, 12

Os calcis, 195

 innominatum, 161, 162
 magnum, 181
 uteri, 168

Osseous labyrinth, 64

Ossicles of ear, 63, 65

Osteoblasts, 18

Osteomalacia, 164, 189

Osteomyelitis, 193

Oval window, 63, 64, 65

Ovaries, 165

Ovum, 12, 166, 168

Oxyhemoglobin, 130

Paget's disease, 53

Pain, sensation of, 47, 81

Palate, bones of, 48, 54

 cleft, 55
 hard, 55, 59
 soft, 59, 60, 136

Palmar, arch, 186

 fascia, 184

Palmaris longus, 182, 183

Pancreas, 153

Pancreatic duct, 143, 153

 juice, 143, 144, 153

Pancreatitis, 153

Panhysterectomy, 169

Papillæ of skin, 37, 39

 of tongue, 61

Paralysis, 79

Parietal bone, 48, 49

Parotid gland, 51, 62

Patella or knee-cap, 19, 192

Patheticus nerve, 83

Pectoral muscles, 99, 128

Pectoralis major, 174

Pedicles of vertebræ, 89

Pelvis, 132, 161, et seq.

 false, 163
 of kidney, 156
 true, 163, 164

Penis, 160, 165

Pepsin, 140

Peptones, 12, 140, 150

Pericardium, 34, 101, 102