Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/221

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Perichondrium, 16

Perineal body, 170

Perineum, 170

Perilymph, 64, 65

Periosteum, 15, 18, 19, 76

Peripheral resistance, 112, 114

Peristaltic movements, 138, 143, 146

Peritoneum, 134

Permanent teeth, 60

Peroneal artery, 199

Peroneus brevis, 197

 longus, 197

Petrous portion of temporal bone, 51, 52

Peyer's patches or glands, 142

Phalanges of foot, 195

 of hand, 181

Pharynx, 59, 136, 137

Physiology, 11

Phrenic artery, 99, 109

 nerve, 85, 99, 130

Pia mater, 76

Pigeon breast, 97

Pillars of the fauces, 59, 60

Pink eye, 74

Pinna, 63

Pisiform bone, 181

Pituitary body, 36

Placenta, 106, 107

Plantar artery, 199

 fascia, 198
 nerve, 86

Plantaris, 197

Plasma of blood, 33, 116, 117

Platysma myoides, 92

Pleuræ, 34, 125

Plexus, 29

 brachial, 84, 85
 cardiac, 87
 cervical, 84
 hypogastric, 87

lumbar, 84

 sacral, 84, 85
 solar, 87, 153

Pneumogastric nerve, 84, 110, 127, 153

Polypi, 58

Pons Varolii, 78

Popliteal artery, 198

 nerves, 86, 199
 space, 32, 198

Popliteus muscle, 198

Portal circulation, 110

 vein, 110, 150

Pott's disease, 91

 fracture, 180, 195

Poupart's ligament, 132

Prepatella bursa, 192

Prepuce, 165

Presbyopia, 73

Presternal notch, 171

Procreating glands, 165

Profunda artery, 175, 186

 femoris artery, 198

Promontory of the sacrum, 90

Pronator quadratus, 182, 183

 radii teres, 182, 183

Prostate gland, 164, 165

Proteins, 11, 26, 33, 140, 144, 147, 148

Protoplasm, 12, 13

Psoas magnus, 189, 190

 parvus, 190

Ptosis of liver, 152

 of upper lid, 74

Ptyalin, 61, 136

Pubes, 161, 163

Pudic artery, 168

Pulmonary artery, 106, 110

 circulation, 110
 valves, 104
 veins, 105, 110

Pulse, 112, 113, 114, 115