Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/222

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Pulse, causes, 112

 dicrotic, 113
 rate, 111, 113, 114

Pupil of eye, 69, 72

Pus corpuscles, 120

Pylorus, 138

Pyramidalis muscle, 134

Pyramids, Malpighian, 156

Quadratus lumborum, 134

Quadriceps extensor, 190

Radial artery, 108, 185

 nerve, 85

Racemose glands, 35

Radius, 178, 179

Râles, 129

Receptaculum chyli, 32

Recti muscles of eye, 67, 72

Rectum, 145, 146

Rectus abdominis, 133, 134

 capitis anticus major, 93
 femoris, 190

Red corpuscles, 118, 119

Reflex action, 83

Regions, abdominal, 134, 135

Renal artery, 109

Rennin, 140

Respiration, 121, 127, et seq.

 center of, 78, 130
 effect on air, 129, 130
 effect on blood, 130, 131
 forced, 128, 129
 kinds of, 128
 rate, 128
 sounds, 129
 variations in, 131

Retching, 140

Retina, 68, 69, 70

Rheumatism, 25

Rhomboideus muscles, 93

Rickets, 19, 49, 53, 97, 164, 195

Ribs, 97, 98

Right lymphatic duct, 31, 32

Rigor mortis, 22, 23

Rivinus, ducts of, 62

Rodent ulcer, 74

Rods and cones, 69, 70

Rolando, fissure of, 75, 82

Rosary, 97

Round ligament of uterus, 168

Round window, 64, 65

Rupture, 146, 164

 of kidney, 158
 of liver, 152
 of spleen, 154
 of urethra, 160

Sacral nerves, 84

 plexus, 84, 85
 vertebræ, 90

Sacro-sciatic notch, 163

Sacrum, 90, 161

Sagittal suture, 48

Saliva, 61, 136

Salivary glands, 35, 61, 136

Salpingectomy, 169

Saphenous veins, 109, 199

Sarcolemma, 21

Sarcoma, 173, 177, 193

Sartorius muscles, 23, 190

Scalenus muscles, 93, 128

Scaphoid bone, ankle, 195

 wrist, 181

Scapula, 173

Scarlet fever, 35

Scarpa's triangle, 190, 198

Schwann, white substance of, 37

Sciatic nerve, 85, 163, 199

Sclera or sclerotic coat, 68

Scrotum, 165

Sebaceous glands, 35, 40, 41

Sebum, 41