Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/311

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  • Fe, 10, 20, O. Sc. cattle; or. property in farm stock; Eng. fee, Sc. kitchen fee, Ger. Vieh. See faihu.
  • Fear, 16, Gael. a man, Lat. vir. Go. wair, A. S. waru
  • Feck, 86, 138, a quantity. "The maist feck," the bulk; from effect.—N. E. D.

"What feck o' stirks an' milk coos hae ye?"

  • Feckless, 87, futile
  • Feeky, fikey, 63, 86, 136, 176, fidgety. O. N. fikenn, eager
  • Feel a smell, 91
  • Feet-washing, 218, C. Du. and O. Sc.
  • Fell, 56, 168, 174, Go. filu, Du. veel; common intensive; Ger. viel, and also fell, sturdy.

"A snod bit lassie, fell an' clever."

"Broken Bowl."

In N. E. D. Sc. sense classed under fell, fierce

  • Fell, 17, skin. O. E. fel, Du. vel, Ger. Fell, Go. thruts-fell, leprosy, Lat. pellis. "The form felt, for pelt, is a confusion of felt, a kind of cloth."—N. E. D.
  • Felling me, 106, "fooling," Ab.
  • Fencing the tables, 74
  • Fends, 70, defends
  • Fer, for, 33, 56, Go. fair, far, faur, intensive prefix; Ger. ver.
  • Fer-fochen, 56, fatigued, done up. Conn, with fecht, fight, Ger. Ge-fecht, Du. ge-vecht
  • Fermentum, 32, Lat. in Go. Gospels, leaven of the Pharisees
  • Ferse, 18, Ger. heel
  • Feuar, 72, small landholder
  • Feut-an'-a-half, 187, Cu.; cf. fit'n-a-half, Fi. a game
  • Few, 94, 169, as a noun
  • Fey, 22, fairy, fay, Fr. fée, It. fata, fate
  • Fichil, 128, 140, Gael. fachail, strife
  • Figgra-gulth, 15, 26, Go. finger-gold, ring
  • †Fijands, feint, 56, pres. part. of fijan, Go. to hate, fiend, Ger. feind, Sc. "feent a bit;" fiend, Go. fijan, to hate, Ger. feind. N. E. D. "obsc. or., can hardly be a variant of fiend"
  • Fill, 17, 27, Go. skin, in thruts-fill, leprosy, from thriutan, to threat, and fill, skin, Lat. pellis, Eng. fell
  • Filly, 250, foal, Go. fula,
  • Finevir, 154, whenever, Ab.
  • Finger-jingles, 183
  • Firlot, 150, O. N. "fiorthe hlotr, fourth part" of a boll

"A firlot o' guid cakes my Elspa' beuk."

"Gentle Shep."

  • Firr'm, 80, form, bench
  • Fiscal, 72, Sc. law term
  • Fisks, 11, Go. fish, Lat. piscis
  • Fit, 17, foot, Go. fotus
  • Flachter-golak, 125, 149, Ic. flag, spot where turf has been cut, O. N. flaga, slab of stone, thin turf; Eng. flake, flay. Da. flaae, Boer, vlei, holm land. Orc. flaw, flaa, C. Du. vlei
  • Flahta, 253, plaited. See flake
  • Flake, 24, 208, a sheep fence, O. N. hurdle, Du. vlaak, *O. Teut. flehtan, Lat. plectere, plait, a wattled hurdle. Go. flaihtan, to weave, flahta, a plait of hair
  • Flalie, 158, a flail (Ab.)
  • Flannen, 183, 250, flannel, a more correct form than flannel. W. gwlanen, gwlan, cog. with wool
  • Flauchter-spade, 125, 140, for paring turfs; flauch, to flay.

"A dibble an' a flauchter-spade"

"Jac. Ball."

  • Flaws, 131, 140, spec. Sc. a fragment of a horse-shoe nail, O. N. flaga, slab of stone, flaw; or. sense "something peeled or struck off," and "something flat."
  • Flax, 253, E. See flake
  • Fleech, fleich, 69, 168, flatter; obsc. prob. Go. ga-thlaihan, to treat kindly. Du. vleien, to flatter, Ger. flehen, to beseech.—"Fleech till the gudewife be kin'"
  • Fleed, 145, prob. var. of field, Mo. Jam. "a head-rig" (Ab.). Not in this sense in N. E. D.
  • Fleyin', 68, frightening. O. E. a-flygan, to frighten away. Go. us-flaugjan, fleg, to frighten—conn. with fly
  • Flyte, 128, scolding match