Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/313

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hobby, O. N. frétt, news, augury. O. E. freht, oracle, from Go. fraih-nan, to ask. See frain

  • Fremd, fremit, 32, 64, 206, strange, foreign, spec. Sc. O. E. fremede, Du. vremmd, H. Ger. vremde, strange, Go. framaths

"Is this the way the fremit serve us?"

"Broken Bowl."

  • Fremd loanin, 168, strange loan or cow-yard
  • Freyr, 22, N., prob. same as surname Frier
  • Friks, 85, Go. in faihu-friks, greedy of money. A. S. and O. E. freca, a hero, O. N. frekr, greedy, Sw. frack, daring. Jam. freik, frick, a strong man, petulant; Ger. frech, bold; C. Du. vrek, 214
  • Frius, 23, Go. frost, A. S. fréosan, fréorig, Ger. frier-en, Eng. freeze, Lat. pruina
  • From, 89, after, different
  • Fuls, 29, Go. foul, fou-nart=foul-marten
  • Fulzie, 68, 125, compost, manure, fulzie,—"what is trampled underfoot"
  • Furthie, 86, 137, 140, hospitable, free in giving, forthy, disposed to put oneself forth or forward; var. foothie—

"hat's gi'en wi' furthy glee."

  • Furesday, Fuursday, 83, Thursday
  • Fushonless, 87, "not given in Jam. at all, meaning under foisonless, an Eng. word." Shaks. foison, plenty. (J. B. F.)
  • Fut. ind. and pres. subj., 37
  • Futhork, 11, Go. A B C, the Runic alphabet, from the first six Runes, f, u, th, o, r, k
  • Fwore, 171, Cu. fore


  • G, 11, 83, its hard sound; gg=ng in Go.
  • Gaan, 208, C. Du. See gang
  • Gab, 68, fluency—"he has the gift o' the gab;"—var. of gape, prov. E. gob, the mouth, borr. from Gael. gob, beak, mouth; O. F. gob, a gulp; cog. gobble, gobbet, gabble
  • Gaby, 170, E. See gab
  • Gad, 12, 23, goad. Go. gazd-s, spike, O. N. gaddr, O. T. *gazdjâ, O. E. gyrd, yard; or. sense seen in Go. gad, a pike, fish with snout. Kl. sub Gerte says, goad and Go. gazd have a common origin, contrary to N. E. D.
  • Ga-dailans, 32, Go. partners, Sc. dealsmen
  • Gaebie, gebbie, 125, 152, hen's crop, "pron. against conn. with gab"—N. E. D.; cf. Gael. giaban, the gizzard
  • Gaed, 34, 56, went, Go. iddja, O. E. yode. See gang
  • Gaet, 62, road
  • Gaffer, 127, gefera, A. S. companion, equal, retainer from faran to fare. From godfather rather than grandfather in sense of an old man. See playfare
  • Gaggan, 56, Go. go, gang; gagg-s. Go. way, street, O. E. gangan, supplanted by gán, go, Du. gaan, Da. gá. See gang
  • Ga-hlaiba, 24, Go. fellows of the loaf; or. term superseded by "bread" in general sense
  • Gairnjan, 33, 56, Go. to long for, to yearn. Sc. girn, Ic. girna, to desire, gairnida, Go. pret.=yearned. See green
  • Gairtans, 70, garters
  • Gaisen, gaissend, gissen, gizzend, 33, 149, of a tub, leaking through drought, Ger. giessen. N. giosa, to spurt, gissen, leaky, Go. giutan, to pour
  • Gaits, gaiteins, 21, Go. goat, Sc. gait; goat-ling
  • Ga-juko, 48, Go. from jukan, to yoke: a parable, that which is paired, a simile
  • Galeithandan, 48, Go. from leithan. A. S. †lithan, Eng. lead, leiten, O. N. litha, to travel—cog. lead, lode, load. Ger. laden, is Go. lathon, to call, invite
  • Galesun, 48, perf. of lisan, to gather, A. S. and Eng. lease, to glean
  • Gallasses, 178–9, Fi. in form, Cu. var. of gallows; cf. bellisses=bellows
  • Gallop, 17, Go. ga-hlaupan
  • Galsh, 150, Mo., prob. conn. with