Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/330

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  • Nocht, 12, 63, 138, 209, nought, O.E. nówiht=ne+a'wiht, A.S. na-wiht. nauht, Go. ne+waiht-s, Du. niet, E. not, Sc. nochtie, paltry
  • Non-plush, 84, var. of non-plus. Not in Jam.
  • Noo (the), 90, just now, Du. nu, Go. nu, as "tho nu hweila," the noo while, or time
  • Noos and thans, 167, now and then
  • Nor, 90, for than. N.E.D. "Sc. and dial. of obsc. or."
  • Nose o' wax, 136, 140, a numskull. Not in Jam.
  • Notour, 72, Sc. law, bankrupt, notorious
  • Nowt, 82, 153, nolt (by a false analogy), O.N. naut, O.E. neat, or. sense, to enjoy or possess. N.E.D. has "nait, Sc, good at need," as v. "to make use of,"—from Go. niutan, O.E. néotan, to enjoy


  • O, vowel, name sound of, 81
  • O, vowel, long sound of, 80
  • †Ocht, 209. See aacht, iets
  • 'Ods wuns, 173, Cu. an oath; cf. "loot a wince," Burns. Both may be a corruption of "(God's) wounds"
  • Oena, 153, an old Sc. prep.=without; generally as a prefix, and syn. with affix, -less; v. common in Go. as un, e.g. un-agands, fearless, Ger. ohne, Gr. ἄνευ, preserve the prep. use
  • Of, 219, C. Du. for conj. or
  • Ogan, 30, 51, Go. to dread, ogjan, to cause to fear, agis, awe; cf. ug-some and ug-ly, Ic. ugg-r, fear. See agis, awe, ug
  • Ogha, 63, Gael, grandchild, -oy
  • †Ogre, 30, not conn. with Go. agan, to dread, but with Lat. orcus, a late borrowing from F. and It.—Skeat
  • Ogre, Oagar-hiuuse, Orc., 154. If, as Skeat says, ogre is F. and a late borrowing, it can hardly be "oagar," here. More likely this is from Ic. ugg-r, fear, and cog. with ugly, ug-some
  • Oheim, oom, 247. See eem, eyme
  • Oksel, 207, C. Du. oxter, Sc.
  • Omniefeeshent, 122
  • On, 89, prep., e.g. "married on"
  • Onbonny, 90, 140, on=without, Ger. ohne, A.S. un and bonny
  • Oncanny, 90, on=without, Ger. ohne, A.S. un=
  • Oncast, 92, cast on, term in stocking-knitting
  • Once-t, 35, once, also aince, yince
  • Oncost, 92, initial charges in running a mine, &c.
  • Onding, 153; cf. ding on; ding, prob. onomat.
  • Onneat, 90, on=without, Ger. ohne, A.S. un
  • On-weiss, un-wîse. Go. un-weis=without wis-dom
  • Oogst, oest, 199, C. Du. August, in S. Afr. autumn, harvest
  • Oo'ies, 194 C. Du.
  • Oon, 24, oven, Go. auhn, Arthur's oon or hove, near Falkirk, built of hewn stone, without mortar, long ago destroyed utterly
  • Oot, out, prep. e.g. "oot (o') the hoos," "oot amon' thae neeps"
  • Ootliggers, out-liers, 173, Cu.
  • Ootners, 170, Cu. out-landers
  • Oot-weel, 171, Cu. for wale oot
  • Op-sit, 218, C. Du. Cu. "sittin up," W. "bundling"; Sc. up-set, feast on admission to burgess freedom
  • Orātor, 80, Eng.
  • Ordinar, 92, ordinary
  • Orpiet, 248. See arbi, erd, yirp
  • Orra-man, 66, farm hand for odd jobs, orrie, unmatched, spare, syn. marra-less; prob. from A.S. orrawa, Go. us, out and row or series. In Jam. nine meanings are given (Jam. III. 401), but none exactly applicable to Scott's lines:—

"Donald Caird finds orra things,
Whaur Allan Gregor fand the tings."

J. B. F.

  • Othal, 10, Rune-letter, heirloom. Orc. udal, tenant right, udaller, landowner
  • Ou, oude, 207, C. Du. old, as familiar form of address
  • Ou (die), ouwe, or oudeman, 191, 192, C. Du.
  • Ouk, oulk, 153, a week; cf. ouf-dag, the wolf-dog. Same as week.