Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/339

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  • Soorocks, 123, sorrel, Ger. saurach, E. sour, M.H.G. surach
  • Sooth, 18, 33, 86, or. sense, being, existence. Go. bi sunjai, verily, A.S. soth, Sw. sann, Da. sand. My san! var. sal, as exclam.
  • Sopje, 198, C. Du., of. "soupe" (Burns)
  • Sounded, 35, E.
  • Sowens, 156
  • Sowl, 19, 26, saiwala, Go. soul, Ger. Seels, A.S. sáwl
  • Sowm, 62, Bu. traces, soyme, chain by which plough or cart is drawn. See sime, syme, simmins, cuttysoam
  • Spang, spong, 125, 203, var. of span
  • Spang-whew, 182. See Spung-hewet, 125
  • Spar, 62, 140, to fasten a gate, common Teut. "cog. with spear in or. sense of sticks or pole."—Sk.
  • Sparwa, 20, Go. sparrow, Ger. sperling, A.S. spearwa, lit. "the fluttere," Cu. spadger
  • Spate, spait, speat, 68, 200, flood, Gael. speid, a river flood
  • Speal, spilda, 25, 27, 67, Go. a writing tablet, A.S. speld, a torch, all from base, spald, to split, Ger. spalten, cf. Sc. speldrin, a fish split and dried. Cf. splinter, spale, spail, a lath in wooden houses, a chip. This word has been confounded with the similar "spell," to read.
  • Spearmint, 121, a species of mint
  • Speel, spele, speil, 126, 196, climb, A.S. spilian, Du. spelen, O.N. spila, Ger. spielen. Cf. "a spell of work," a turn
  • Speengie, 121, 156, peony
  • Speir, speer, 74, 97, 196, 224, Du. spoor, a trail: as v. A.S. spyrian, Du. speuren, O.N. spyrja

"He speer't what was't they ca'd her."

"Old Song."

  • Spelk hen, 181, Gael. spealg (borr.), M.E. spelke, a splinter, N. spjalk, Du. spalk, a splint. Cf. spelicans, a Du. game played with slips of wood, O.Du. spelleken, a small pin
  • Speogs, 181, Dumb.
  • Spilda, 27, Go. a writing tablet, hence E. spill, a slip of wood, assimilated to "spell" from early use in schools for learning to read. Cf. M.E. speld, a splinter, with Sc. speldrin, dried fish split
  • Spill, 27, Go. a fable, myth, A.S. spel; Go. spillon, to relate, E. spell=say or tell the letters. See spilda
  • Spilla, 25, 27, Go. a teller, spillon, to tell. See spilda
  • Spinks, 121, pinks
  • Spolk, 181, Orc.; E. spoke, spike, Ger. Speiche
  • Spooks, 220, 223, from Du. spook, O.Ger. spauka, a spectre—of Norse or.
  • Spoor, 196, 197, 224, C.Du. See Speer.
  • Spoot gun, 123, 134, pop gun, cf. spout
  • Spraul, 105, sprawl, a struggle, for sprattle, to spar or toss the limbs about, N.E. sprottle, to struggle
  • Spreckled, 167, speckled
  • Sprickelt paddicks, 178, Cu.
  • Sprits, 66, 200, 201, wet or spritty spots, covered with rushes, vars. spritty, sprat, spreat, Du. spruit, a stream, properly a spring that spurts out, cf. sprout, to germinate, spirt, Ger. spritzen, E. sprout, spurt
  • Sprug, spug, spyugs, 125, a sparrow, in dial.
  • Spruit, 200, 216, Du. spruiten. See sprits
  • Spung hewet, spung taed, 125, 182, vars. spang-hue, spang-whew
  • St. Anthony's Pig, 133, yearly on St. Anthony's Day (Jan. 17) domestic animals are brought to be blessed before the porch of St. Eusebius Church in Rome
  • Stab-s, 27, Go. a letter, A.S. stafas, letters of alph., Ger. Buchstabe, E. staff, stave (music), Sc. and Gael, stob, a stake, pale, or. something firm, the "graving of Runes" (Kl.)
  • Staen, 23, Ab. steen, E. stone, Go. stains
  • Staiga, 26, Go. a path or highway,