Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/234

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Plan of the

plane L brings full personal glory; /, e.> glorious being, like unto Christ. But after we are thus perfe&ed, and made entirely like our Lord and Head, we are to be associated with him in the "glory" of power and office to sit with him in his throne, even as he, after being perfected at his resurredlion, was exalted to the right hand of the Majesty on high. Thus shall we enter everlasting glory, plane J.

Let us now carefully study the chart and note its illustra- tions of the various features of the plan of God. In these illustrations we use the pyramid figure to represent perfec- tion, because of its fitness and because of evident reference to it in the Scriptures.

Adam was a perfe<5i being, pyramid a. Notice its posi- tion on plane N, which represents human perfection. On plane J?, the plane of sin and imperfeftion or the de- praved plane, the topless pyramid, , an imperfect figure, represents fallen Adam and his posterity depraved, sinful and condemned.

Abraham and others of that day, justified (/. <?., reckoned perfedt) on account of faith, are represented by a pyramid (t) on plane N. Abraham was a member of the depraved human family and by nature belonged with the rest on plane R; but Paul tells us that Abraham was justified by faith; that is, he was reckoned of God a sinless and pcrfe<5l man because of his faith. This, in God's estimation, lifted him up above the world of depraved sinful men to plane N; and though a&ually still imperfedl, he was received into the favor that Adam had lost, viz,, communion with God as a friend." (James 2 : 23.) All on the perfeft (sinless) plane N are friends of God, and he is a friend of theirs; but sinners (on plane R) are at enmity against God " enemies through wicked works."

The world of mankind after the flood, represented by figure ^, was still on plane R still at enmity, where it

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