Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/235

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continues until the Gospel Church is selected and the Mil* lennial age begins.

" Israel after the flesh," during the Jewish age, when the typical sacrifices of bulls and goats cleansed them (not really, but typically, " for the Law made nothing perfe& " Heb. 7:19), were typically justified, hence they are (<?) on plane P 9 the plane of typical justification, which lasted from the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai until Jesus made an end of the Law, nailing it to his cross. There the typical justification ended by the institution of the ** better sacrifices" than the Jewish types, those which actually "take away the sin of the world" and "make the comers thereunto [adlually] perfedl." Heb. 10 : i,

The fire of trial and trouble through which fleshly Israel passed, when Jesus was present, sifting them and taking out of their nominal church the wheat, the " Israelites indeed," and especially when, after the separation of the wheat, he " burned up the chaff [the refuse part of that sy$tem\ with unquenchable fire, ' * is illustrated by figure /. It was a time of trouble which they were powerless to avert. See Luke 3 : 17, 21, 22 ; i Thess. 2 : 16.

Jesus, at the age of thirty years, was a perfect, mature man (#), having loft the glory of the spiritual condition and become a man in order that he (by the grace of God) should taste death for every man. The justice of God's law is absolute : an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life* It was necessary that a perfect man should die for mankind, because the claims of justice could be met in no other way* The death of an angel could no more pay the penalty and 4 release man than could the death of ' bulls and of goats, which can never take away sin. " There- fore, he who is termed " the Beginning of the creation of God" became a man, was "made flesh," that he might give that ransom (corresponding price) which would redeem

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