Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/350

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34*5 The Plan of the Ages.

A knowledge of these things, and the evidences that they are nigh, even at the door, should have a powerful influence upon all, but especially upon the consecrated children of God, who are seeking the prize of the divine nature. We urge such, while they lift up their heads and rejoice, know- ing that their redemption dravveth nigh, to lay aside every weight and hindrance, and to run patiently the race in which they have started. Look away from self and its un- avoidable weaknesses and imperfections, knowing that all such weaknesses are covered fully by the merits of the ran- som given by Christ Jesus our Lord, and that your sacrifices and self-denials are acceptable to God through our Re- deemer and Lord and thus only. Let us remember that the strength sufficient which God has promised us, and by use of which we can be "overcomers," is provided in his Word. It is a strength derived from a knowledge of his character and plans, and of the conditions upon which we may share in them. Thus Peter expresses it, saying, " Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge oi him who hath called us to glory and virtue ; whereby are given unto us exceed- ing great and precious promises, that BY THESE ye might be partakers of the divine nature." 2 Pet. i : 2-4.

But to obtain this knowledge and this strength, which God thus proposes to supply to each runner for the heav- enly prize, will surely test the sincerity of your consecra- tion vows. You have consecrated all your time, all your talents, to the Lord ; now the question is^ How much of it are you giving? Are you still willing, according to your covenant of consecration, to give up all? to give up your own plans and methods, and the theories of yourselves and others, to accept of God's plan and way and time of doing

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