Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/351

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his great work? Are }on willing to do this at the cost of earthly friendships and social ties ? And are you willing to give up time from other things for the investigation of these glorious themes so heart-cheering to the truly consecrated, with the certain knowledge that it will cost you this self- denial? If all is not consecrated, or if you only half meant it when you gave all to the Lord, then you will be- grudge the time and effort needful to search his Word as for hid treasure, to obtain thus the strength needful for all the trials of faith incident to the present (the dawn of the Millennium) above other times.

But think not that the giving will end with the giving of the needful time and energy to this study : it will not. The sincerity of your sacrifice of self will be tested in full, and will prove you either worthy or unworthy of membership in that "little flock/ 1 the overcoming Church, which will receive the honors of the kingdom. If you give diligence to the Word of God, and receive its truths into a good, honest, consecrated heart, it will beget in you such a love for God and his plan, and such a desire to tell the good tidings, to preach the gospel, that it will become the all- absorbing theme of life thereafter; and this will not only separate you from the world and from many nominal Christians, in spirit, but it will lead to separation from such entirely. They will think you peculiar and separate you from their company, and you will be despised and counted a fool for Christ's sake; because they know us not, even as they knew not the Lord. 2 Cor. 4:8-10; Luke 6: 22; i John 3:1;! Cor. 3 : iS.

Are you willing to follow on to know the Lord through evil and through good report ? Are you willing to forsake all, to follow as he may lead you by his Word ? to ignore the wishes of friends, as well as your own desires? It is hoped that many of the consecrated who read this volume

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