Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/38

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the creation of man.. Skeletons and fossils of animals and plants which do not now exist, found deep below the earth's surface, favor this theory. This view neither ignores nor reje<fts the Bible teaching that man was a dired and perfcd creation, made in the mental and moral image of his Maker, and not a development by a process of evolution, probably common to the remainder of creation. This view would in no sense invalidate, but would support, the Jjible's claim, ordered it, and was its first cause. Lot human reason do her best to trace known fa#s to reasonable and competent causes, giving- due credit to nature's laws in every case \ but back of all the intricate machinery of nature is the hand of its great Author, the intelligent, omnipotent God.

We claim, then, that the existence of an Intelligent Crea- tor is a clearly demonstrated truth, the proof of which lies all around us : yea, and within us j for we are his workman- ship, \rhose every power of mind and body speaks of a marvelous skill beyond ourcomprehension. And ho w also the Designer and Creator of what we term nature. We claim that he ordered and established the laws of nature, the beauty and harmony of whose operation we see and ad- mire. This one whose wisdom planned and whose power upholds and guides the universe, whose wisdom and power so immeasurably transcend our own, we instinctively wor- ship and adore*

To realize the existence of this mighty God Is but to dread lib omnipotent strength, unless we can SKV him ptw- swwttl of benevolence and goodness correspomiintf to his power. Of this fart we are also fully assured by the same evidence which proves his existence, power and wisdom. Not only are we forced to the conclusion that there is a God, mid that his power and wisdom arc immeasurably licyond our own, but we arc forced by reason to the conclusion that

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