Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/93

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" little flock ;" and they will rejoice in the obedience and exaltation of the Church, saying, "Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give honor to God, for the marriage of the (Rev. 19 :;.) They will rejoice in the glorification of the Church, through which blessings will then be flowing to them; and while they will realize that the "exceeding great and precious promises" inherited by the Anointed (head and body) are not for them, but are fulfilled upon us, they will be blessed by the lesson illustrated in the Church; and while they run for the blessings then heldcut to them, they will profit by the example of the Church, and glorify God on her behalf. But this knowledge will not bring covetousness ; for under the new order of things their call- ing to perfect human nature will fully satisfy them, and will seem more desirable to them than a change of nature.

Then the " mystery*' will have ended; for the world will have come to see that it was the spirit of God in Christ, and the spirit of Christ in us God manifested in the flesh which they had hitherto misunderstood. Then they will see that we were not mad, nor fools ; but that we chose the better part when we ran for the riches, honors and crown, unseen by them, but eternal.

In point of time, the mystery of God will be finished daring the period of the sounding of the seventh [sym- bolic] trumpet. (Rev. 10: 7.) This applies to the mystery in both senses in which it is used : the mystery or secret features of God's plan will then be made known and will be clearly seen ; and also the "mystery of God/ 1 the Church, the embodiment of that pkn. Both will then be finished* The secret, hidden plan will have sought out the Ml, complete number of the members of the body of Christ, and hence it, the BODY OP CHRIST, will be finished. The plan will cease to be a mystery, because there

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